2006 création du HUB (VIADEO) *21ème Siècle-'ECOLOGIE & INNOVATION': DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE DU XXIe siècle!2.0* Think Tank International : + de 3000 membres. *Morgane BRAVO Avocat de formation, études & expérience Diplomatique, Sciences Politiques... « Euroblogeur »...2002 en France : Candidate (titulaire) aux élections Législatives, dans la 14ème Circonscription de Paris. 16e arrondissement (Sud). Fondatrice *Morgane BRAVO, from Paris, France. She's graduate Lawyer and have a Master’s degree in Diplomacy & Political Science...Diplomatic experience.

mardi 22 janvier 2013

*"Planet Ocean" : Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot*

"A 90 minute film directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot.

Can we imagine a film that would change the way people look at the ocean? Can we explain simply, to everyone, the greatest natural mystery of our planet? And lastly, can we help our children believe in a better and more sustainable world tomorrow?

This is the triple challenge of a new cinema adventure signed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and editor- in-chief Michael Pitiot, who brings with him the scientific missions of TARA, a unique pool of researchers, oceanographers and biolo- gists from several countries. Thanks to its astonishing photography, the film takes us on a magnificent and unprecedented journey into the heart of the least known regions of our planet.

The film narrates the most marvelous and also the most terrifying human experiences of our time. Filmed in extreme geographical conditions all over the globe, it describes the modern Odyssey of people who go out to discover their blue planet.

The film is also a plea for humanity to respect the world in which we live. It serves a noble and universal cause that will be defended at the next Earth Summit, in Rio, in 2012.


This humanist initiative has received support from the prestigious watch-making firm OMEGA. The firm, which specializes in high precision in extreme environments, invented the first deep-sea diving watch. From Jacques Maillot to Sir Peter Blake, Jacques Cousteau and Dame Ellen MacArthur, OMEGA has supported exploration of the oceans for over a century. Today, OMEGA has agreed to support Planet Ocean".

Bien à vous,

vendredi 4 janvier 2013

*Making Water Reform Happen in Mexico*

"The OECD Report “Making Water Reform Happen in Mexico” will be officially launched next 8 January 2013 in Mexico City in a public event with Angel Gurria (Secretary-General of the OECD), Juan Jose Guerra Abud (Minister of the Environment of Mexico) and David Korenfeld (Director-General of the National Water Commission of Mexico)."

Remarks by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General

Mexico City, Tuesday 6 November 2012

(As prepared for delivery)

"Director-General of the National Water Commission, Senator Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, Senator Emilio Gamboa Patrón, Senator Aarón Irizar López, Congressman Gerardo Gaudiano Rovirosa, Licenciado Raúl Rodríguez Márquez, Senators, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It gives me great pleasure to be in our country’s Senate of the Republic to share with you the diagnostic study and recommendations contained in the OECD report on "Making Water Reform Happen in Mexico." Managing water resources is one of Mexico’s greatest challenges.

The OECD has often lauded Mexico’s “Water Agenda 2030” as a clear political commitment to develop a long-term strategy and lay sound foundations for a more integrating form of growth that respects the environment. This effort has generated a new momentum for change — an impetus to take firm steps in designing and implementing a more effective, integrated, and coherent water resource policy.

Our country can no longer afford the luxury of “more of the same”. With over 110 million inhabitants, several river basins are under severe water stress, the quality of rivers, lakes and aquifers is at stake and safe drinking and adequate sanitation will need to be provided to an additional 40 million inhabitants by 2030; all  at a time when we are increasingly vulnerable to flooding, droughts, and hurricanes.

Addressing these problems effectively and in time requires a clear identification of the factors that could help in making water reform happen, and also of the factors that could obstruct it, and measures to overcome these obstacles.

For that reason, over the past nine months, the OECD has been working closely with the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) and a group of important stakeholders, to analyse four fundamental dimensions for water reform in Mexico: (1) the coordination of multiple programmes and institutions at different government levels; (2) water governance at the basin level; (3) the economic efficiency and financial sustainability of water policies; and (4) the regulation of service provision.

Drawing on the OECD’s public policy tools and experience, we have formulated recommendations on water reform in Mexico. While we realise there is no universal formula that suits all cases, we have chosen a set of good practices from within Mexico and elsewhere that could be applied and reproduced.

We also make several comparisons with other countries, especially Australia, Brazil, Italy and the United Kingdom — which not only have undertaken deep reforms of their own water sectors at home, but have also shown strong support dialogue on water policies in Mexico as peer-reviewers.

The key findings show that Mexico has a well-developed policy framework for water management. It has various federal and state level institutions, and applies various economic tools — ranging from taxes on water abstraction to water markets. Nonetheless, despite a substantial increase in public investment, Mexico continues to face major challenges in this sector.

First, policy implementation remains uneven; second, the sector lacks co-ordination mechanisms to mitigate territorial and institutional fragmentation; third, twenty years after their creation, river basin councils are not fully operational; fourth, the regulatory framework for drinking water and sanitation is scattered across multiple entities and regulations; fifth, Mexico continues to grant subsidies to other sectors, such as energy and agriculture, which make it difficult to fulfil water resource goals.

Mexico needs to renew its efforts to raise productivity in water supply and improve the cost-benefit of public policies in this sector. This will require addressing multi-level governance challenges to align priorities, expenditures and incentives across federal, state, basin and local water plans and programmes.

Mexico also needs an investment promotion strategy, targeting various low-cost options (such as the construction of green infrastructures or community management), which enhances cohesion among policies that have repercussions on the availability of water and demand for it. A global regulatory framework is also needed to jointly govern water supply and sanitation.  

Next January, I will hand over to the new President elect the OECD final report “Making Water Reform Happen in Mexico”, which is the first OECD country report on water. The study makes a number of specific recommendations, which are summarised in the leaflet we have prepared for this event.

Let me conclude by highlighting some of its main messages:

  • First, Mexico has an opportunity to design its own water governance model. As a federal state with huge disparities in terms of water availability and demand, Mexico would benefit hugely from a “tailor-made” policy package, based on empirical analysis. For instance, the responsibilities devolved to one particular state or basin organisation need to match the specific water challenge in this territory and capacities in terms of funding, know-how and reform intentions.
  • Second, Mexico needs more flexible water management policies to adapt to the changes that are unfolding in the country. In addition to the repercussions of climate change, there is major uncertainty as to the availability of water and demand for it in the future. Economic instruments, green and smart infrastructures, can help address current challenges while avoiding becoming locked into specific  structures.
  • Third, it is time to pay more attention to the cost-benefit of public spending and investment decisions in the water sector. Mexico has significantly increased water-related public expenditures and investment levels. But, in the future, these efforts will benefit users much more if the initiatives are properly co-ordinated between institutions and the different government levels, if additional financing sources are found, and if the incentives for efficient water use are properly designed and aligned. 
  • Fourth, access to safe efficient and sustainable water and sanitation services is a key driver of social inclusion and local development. OECD has inventoried a number of regulatory functions which need to be properly designed and allocated in Mexico. Although there are various ways to fulfil these functions in the different states and municipalities, regulatory loopholes need to be addressed, to guarantee sustainable water supply to the population.
Ladies and Gentlemen:

In a country whose population is forecast to be nearly 150 million by 2050, which displays one of the highest levels of inequality in the world in territorial and socio-economic terms, which is highly exposed to the effects of global warming, and where population and economic growth is generated mainly in water-scarce zones — water management in Mexico is becoming a national security issue.

We are therefore very pleased to note that the Mexican government has given prime importance to the issue of water. We are also enthused by the fact that Mexico has laid itself open to international scrutiny and co-operation, and has become one of the countries with which the OECD collaborates most on water management. Working with Mexico has enriched the OECD with new experiences and knowledge. We hope that the diagnostic and conclusions presented today, as well as the final report to be presented to the new government, will also help Mexico design and implement a successful water management policy and become an international example of good governance. The OECD stands ready to continue supporting Mexico in the design, promotion and implementation of better water policies for better lives.

Thank you very much."

jeudi 3 janvier 2013

*Prix "olympique" de la durabilité décerné au siège de la présidence irlandaise...*

L'Irlande est la première présidence du Conseil à obtenir les certifications environnementale et responsable qui furent également décernées aux installations des Jeux olympiques de Londres
L'organisme Certification Europe a attribué à Dublin Castle, siège de la septième présidence irlandaise du Conseil de l'UE, la double certification ISO 20121 système de management responsable et ISO 14001 système de management environnemental.

La certification ISO 20121 avait précédemment été obtenue par le gouvernement danois mais c'est la première fois qu'une présidence du Conseil se voit décerner une double certification ISO. Cela constituera, sans nul doute, un précédent de poids pour les futures présidences. Pour la première fois, une institution gouvernementale et politique affiche cette combinaison des normes ISO 20121 et ISO 14001: les deux recommandations relatives aux systèmes de management qui ont fait des Jeux olympiques de Londres en 2012, l'évènement international le plus responsable et respectueux de l'environnement.

La remise de ces certifications a eu lieu le 21 décembre en présence de Brian Hayes, ministre d'État en charge de la réforme du service public et de l'Office des travaux publics (OPW). Au cours de l’attribution des deux certificats, le ministre Bryan Hayes a déclaré: «Les normes ISO de systèmes de management responsable et environnemental conférées à la présidence irlandaise du Conseil de l'UE sont avant tout une fierté pour l'Irlande. Cette double certification renforcera la relation de l'Irlande avec les autres États membres, les institutions européennes et à l'international, en tant que partenaire crédible, fiable et compétent. Je tiens donc à remercier l'organisme Certification Europe dans sa collaboration avec l'OPW pour être parvenu à ce succès.»

Le processus de certification détaillé réalisé par Certification Europe influencera de manière tangible les évènements qui se dérouleront à Dublin Castle au cours du mandat de la présidence irlandaise. En voici quelques exemples:

·    À Dublin Castle, des installations de recyclage, de tri des déchets ainsi que des éclairages et des équipements à faible consommation d'énergie seront utilisés.
·    La consommation d'eau sera minimisée grâce à l'utilisation de moniteurs et des détecteurs. De l'eau du robinet filtrée sera utilisée lors des réunions et dans tous les services de restauration.
·    Les deux principaux hôtels servant de lieu de conférence dans Dublin (Herbert Park Hotel et Westbury) sont membres du programme d'hospitalité verte supervisé par l'agence irlandaise de protection de l'environnement.
·    Le choix du centre-ville pour les lieux des évènements et les hôtels encouragera les délégués à s'y rendre à pied.
·    Grâce à la coopération du conseil municipal de Dublin et de JC Decaux, les délégués de passage pourront accéder facilement aux locations de vélos de Dublin.
·    Lorsque cela n'est pas pratique, les délégués seront conduits, dans la mesure du possible, en bus plutôt qu'en voiture.
·    Il a été demandé aux fournisseurs de l'évènement de fournir de la viande et des légumes provenant de producteurs membre agréés du «An Bord Bia Quality Assurance Schemes».
·    Les produits de la mer fournis doivent provenir de fournisseurs qui adhèrent aux normes prévues par le groupe «Responsible Irish Fish». L'utilisation de thé/café issus du commerce équitable, de viande et de produits laitiers biologiques, de volailles élevées en plein air, de fruits de mer provenant de pêches durables ainsi que la compensation par les fournisseurs de leur empreinte carbone, sont des éléments qui ont été pris en compte lors de la procédure de passation des marchés.

John Ryan, directeur des services à la clientèle de Certification Europe, qui a remis le double prix a indiqué: «Avec les certifications ISO 20121 et ISO 14001, la présidence irlandaise du Conseil de l'UE établit un "record olympique". Cela garantira également un héritage écologique et une prise de conscience environnementale pour tous les évènements qui seront désormais organisés par l'OPW à Dublin Castle. Nous souhaitons rendre hommage à la mobilisation remarquable de la direction et du personnel de l'OWP à Dublin Castle qui a permis la mise en conformité avec les normes des systèmes de management responsable et environnemental.»

Dublin Castle sera le siège des sommets ministériels et d'un grand nombre des 180 réunions et évènements organisés par le gouvernement irlandais à l'occasion de la présidence du Conseil de l'UE et auxquels participeront quelques 15 000 délégués européens et internationaux. La gestion et l'entretien de Dublin Castle revient à l'Office irlandaise des travaux publics (OWP), une organisation gouvernementale dont la principale charge est la conservation et la gestion de nos bâtiments et propriétés patrimoniales et de prestige, la gestion du portefeuille immobilier (gestion immobilière et de projet) ainsi que les services d'ingénierie et d'architecture et de passation de marchés publics. L'OWP est également responsable de la gestion des risques d'inondation en Irlande.

*Ireland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union*

Bien à vous,