2006 création du HUB (VIADEO) *21ème Siècle-'ECOLOGIE & INNOVATION': DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE DU XXIe siècle!2.0* Think Tank International : + de 3000 membres. *Morgane BRAVO Avocat de formation, études & expérience Diplomatique, Sciences Politiques... « Euroblogeur »...2002 en France : Candidate (titulaire) aux élections Législatives, dans la 14ème Circonscription de Paris. 16e arrondissement (Sud). Fondatrice *Morgane BRAVO, from Paris, France. She's graduate Lawyer and have a Master’s degree in Diplomacy & Political Science...Diplomatic experience.

mercredi 14 mars 2012

*Water: Balancing demand...OCDE*

By 2050, the world's growing population will use 55% more water in their homes, to grow food, and to produce electricity and manufactured goods. To ensure enough water to meet this demand, we will need to stop wasting it and find new ways to make sure there's enough to go around...

* Il est urgent de réformer la façon dont l’eau est gérée!

Bien à vous,

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